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Taiwan Organic Fermented Black Soy Sauce

Taiwan Organic Fermented Black Soy Sauce

Taiwan’s soy sauce industry has a history of more than 100 years in Xiluo. Xiluo is also known as Taiwan’s “Kingdom of Soy Sauce” due to its appropriate water quality, temperature, and humidity.

Taiwan’s soy sauce industry has a history of more than 100 years in Xiluo. Xiluo is also known as Taiwan’s “Kingdom of Soy Sauce” due to its appropriate water quality, temperature, and humidity.
What are the reasons that have made soy sauce in Xilou so well developed? They are closely related to the “water quality” and “climate” of Xiluo Township.

*Water quality
Zhuoshui River is the source of life of Xiluo, and there are very few polluting industries along the river. Therefore, the water quality of the river is very suitable for the development of legume products, and the low iron content of water and appropriate hardness are also ideal for making soy sauce.

Located in central Taiwan, the temperature of Xilou is moderate throughout the year of above 23℃ averagely. The advantages of a pleasant climate, no severe cold winter, sufficient sunlight, and suitable humidity are very conducive to the cultivation of bacteria and the decomposition of soy protein. These are the primary reasons why Xilou still restores the ancient traditional brewing technique.

Taiwan Organic Fermented Black Soy Sauce is made from organic certified black beans and clean water. It undergoes a low-temperature generation of soybean koji and constant-temperature fermentation to yield a high protein dissolution rate and adequate ester alcohols. Each process lasts for at least 180 days, from fermentation to the generation of soybean koji, washing of soybean koji, and fermentation in the clay pots.

The fermented soy sauce, which is organic and brewed according to the traditional ancient method, is rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, and minerals that are beneficial to the human body. Being nutritious and has a strong natural aroma, it is best described as the purest fermented treasure.

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